The Green Thumb Guide to Lush Lawns: Caring for New Sod

The Green Thumb Guide to Lush Lawns: Caring for New Sod

The Green Thumb Guide to Lush Lawns: Caring for New Sod


New sod can transform the look and feel of your outdoor space, providing an instant lushness that even the most patient of gardeners find attractive. But starting your turf off on the right foot is crucial to its long-term health and vibrancy. This is especially true in regions like Orlando, FL, where the warm climate can throw unique challenges your lawn's way.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to maintain and nurture new sod in the beautiful city of Orlando, ensuring your green investment flourishes for years to come.

Preparing Sod for Laying

Before installation, it's vital to prepare your lawn adequately. Start with these essential steps:

Clear the Area

Remove any existing vegetation, rocks, or debris that could prevent the new sod from taking root. This could involve tilling or manually picking up any large materials that may mar the soil or the sod's flatness.

Improve Soil Quality

Quality soil is the foundation of a healthy lawn. If your Orlando, FL property has sandy or clay-based soil, consider amending it with organic matter to enhance its quality and water retention ability.

pH Test and Adjust

Most grasses prefer a soil pH between 6 and 7. You can adjust the pH by adding sulfur to lower it or lime to raise it. Balancing your soil's pH can enhance the effectiveness of nutrient uptake by the sod.

Level the Ground

A level surface is critical for proper sod installation. Use a landscaping rake and a flat board to level the ground. This will help to ensure that no water remains trapped under segments of sod, which could lead to rot and disease.


Before you lay the sod, give your new lawn a nutritional head start. Apply a starter fertilizer to the soil, following the manufacturer's guidelines for lawn establishment.

Laying Sod in Orlando, FL

The installation process is both an art and a science. Here’s how you do it:

Choose the Appropriate Sod

There are many different types of grass suitable for the Orlando, FL climate. Your choice will depend on variables such as shade coverage, intended use (ornamental vs. heavy traffic), water availability, and sun exposure. Popular choices in the area include St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Zoysia.

Install Promptly

Lay your sod as soon as possible after delivery to prevent drying out. Begin laying the sod along a straight edge, such as a driveway or sidewalk, staggering the joints, and pushing the pieces tightly together without stretching.

Water Immediately

After each section is laid, water it thoroughly. This will help to settle the soil and provide much-needed moisture to the sod. Keep the soil under the sod moist until it roots into the ground.

Roll It Out

Use a sod roller (available for rental at most gardening or hardware stores) to ensure the sod makes good contact with the soil. This step is crucial for root development and will help prevent sunken areas on your lawn.

Post-Installation Sod Care

Your care routine for new sod is paramount to its survival. Here's what you should do:

Watering Schedule

For the first two weeks, water your new sod daily, ideally early in the morning. Avoid over-watering, which can cause root rot or attract pests. Gradually reduce the frequency to match the established turf in your area.

Mowing the New Sod

Mow for the first time once the sod has rooted, which you'll know because it'll be difficult to lift. Set your mower's blades high initially and never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time.

  • Fertilizing Your New Lawn

Around six weeks after installation, apply a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer. This will help your sod to continue establishing a strong root system and lush greenery for the season ahead.

Additional Tips for Orlando, FL Sod Care

Sod care in Orlando brings with it some specific considerations due to the region's weather patterns and soil compositions.

Dealing with Orlando's Heat

During the warm Orlando summers, it's crucial to avoid over-fertilizing, as the excess nitrogen can lead to excessive top growth. This can make the lawn more susceptible to heat stress. It’s also important to time your watering so you’re not losing moisture to evaporation during the heat of the day.

Preventing Pests and Weeds

Regular inspection and quick action are key to preventing pests and weeds from taking hold in your new sod. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the early spring and fall can help keep weeds at bay.

Choosing the Right Professional for New Sod Installations

Even with this guide, the best care starts with proper installation. For a hassle-free experience, consider using a professional sod company. In the Orlando region, companies like From The Ground Up Landscaping can handle your sod needs from procurement to installation, ensuring a beautiful and functional lawn.


Final Thoughts

Properly caring for your new sod is a blend of science, patience, and knowledge of the local environment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be on your way to enjoying a plush, vibrant lawn that’s a testament to the beauty of Orlando living. Don’t hesitate to reach out to local experts if you encounter any challenges – whether it's choosing the right sod, or maintaining it correctly, having a professional touch can make all the difference. Remember, a little care goes a long way in the world of gardening.

If you're looking for sod companies in Orlando, FL, contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today for free estimates.

From The GroundUp


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