The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Diseases and Fungus: Prevention and Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Diseases and Fungus: Prevention and Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Diseases and Fungus: Prevention and Treatment


A pristine, verdant lawn is the envy of the neighborhood, but when diseases and fungi strike, that lush green can quickly turn brown and patchy. If you’re in the Orlando, FL area and struggling to maintain a healthy lawn, it's essential to know how to prevent, identify, and treat common lawn diseases and fungus. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to keep your lawn disease-free and vibrant year-round.

Lawn diseases and fungi can be caused by a variety of factors, from environmental conditions to poor maintenance practices. By taking a proactive approach to lawn care, you can significantly reduce the risk of infections and ensure that your lawn remains a source of pride for your property.


Understanding Lawn Diseases and Fungi

What Are Lawn Diseases and Fungi?

Lawn diseases are conditions that affect the health, appearance, and vigour of the grass. They are caused by a variety of microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses. These pathogens are often present in the environment, but they can become problematic when the conditions are right for their growth and spread.

In the case of fungi, the spores can be spread by wind, water, or even mowing equipment, leading to a rapid deterioration of the lawn.

Common Types and Their Symptoms

Brown Patch: Causes circular patches of dead grass, often with a halo of yellow or brown. It is most common in the summer when temperatures are warm and humidity is high.

Dollar Spot: Creates straw-colored spots typically the size of a silver dollar. This fungus is associated with excess moisture and can occur in various seasons.

Fairy Ring: Causes rings of dark green grass to form, which can be followed by dead grass. This is often due to decomposing organic matter that’s underground.

Powdery Mildew: This disease creates a white or grey powdery substance on the grass. It's most common in shaded areas and generally isn't fatal to the lawn.

Identification Techniques

To identify a specific disease, it is important to pay attention to the specific symptoms and environmental factors at play. You can also consult local Extension services for help in diagnosis.

Prevention Strategies

Good Lawn Care Practices

Proper mowing height, regular watering, and appropriate fertilization can go a long way in preventing diseases. Using a mulching mower and sharpening blades can further reduce the risk of infections.

Appropriate Watering

Water in the early morning to allow the grass to dry out during the day. Avoid midday watering that can promote fungal growth.

Aeration and Dethatching

These practices can improve air circulation and reduce standing water, both of which can inhibit fungal growth.

Identifying and Addressing Poor Drainage

Inadequate drainage can lead to standing water, which is a breeding ground for fungi. Addressing soggy areas can prevent disease.

Reseed with Resistant Varieties

If your lawn is prone to diseases, consider reseeding with grass varieties that are more resistant to common fungi.

Treatment Options


When diseases are severe, fungicides can be applied to control the spread. These should be used with caution and in accordance with local regulations and guidelines.

Changes in Lawn Care Routine

Sometimes simple changes to your routine, such as reducing watering frequency or changing the type of fertilizer, can have a big impact on disease control.

Removal of Affected Areas

In some cases, it may be necessary to remove and replace patches of grass that are heavily affected by disease.

Professional Services

For particularly stubborn issues, or if you are unsure how to proceed, it’s wise to consult with a professional lawn care service. These experts can provide tailored advice and treatments for your specific lawn and local conditions.

Resources and Further Assistance

Local Extension Services

Your local extension office can be an invaluable resource for diagnosing and treating lawn diseases. They often provide guides and workshops tailored to your region.

Professional Landscaping Companies

Professional landscaping companies, such as From The Ground Up Landscaping, are well-versed in the unique needs of lawns in the Orlando area and can provide specialized care.

Online Communities

Joining online forums and communities can provide you with a support network of fellow lawn enthusiasts who may have faced similar challenges.



Orlando, FL is home to a diverse range of plant life and unique environmental conditions that can also present challenges for maintaining a healthy lawn. By learning to identify and prevent common diseases and fungi, you can keep your lawn looking its best and thriving throughout the year.

Remember, a proactive approach to lawn care is key. Regular inspection, appropriate maintenance, and quick responses to any issues that arise will help to keep your lawn in top condition. And if you do encounter a problem that’s a bit beyond your green thumb’s capabilities, don’t hesitate to seek out professional help—after all, a stunning lawn is worth the extra care and investment.

Keeping your lawn disease-free and enjoying a beautiful green space is within your reach. With time, patience, and the right strategies, you can ensure that your lawn remains healthy and inviting, providing enjoyment and curb appeal for your home. And if you need assistance in combating lawn diseases or with sod removal in Orlando, FL, From The Ground Up Landscaping is at your service. Contact us today for personalized care and the expertise you need to maintain a lawn you can be proud of.

From The GroundUp


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