High Heat Precautions for Artificial Grass Turf Lawns

High Heat Precautions for Artificial Grass Turf Lawns

High Heat Precautions for Artificial Grass Turf Lawns


Artificial grass turf lawns are an excellent alternative to natural grass. They’re easy to maintain, require little to no watering, and can last for up to 15 years. However, during the summer months, high temperatures can wreak havoc on your synthetic turf. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some high heat precautions for artificial grass turf lawns to keep them looking lush and beautiful year-round.


1. Keep the turf hydrated

Just because you have a synthetic lawn doesn’t mean you shouldn’t water it. Watering your lawn twice a day during peak summer hours will help keep your turf cool and hydrated. You don’t need to overdo it; a few minutes of watering at each interval should suffice. Be mindful of your local water restrictions, though. You don’t want to be caught breaking any ordinances.

2. Use shade structures

Shade structures can provide relief from direct sunlight and help to lower the surface temperature of your turf. You can use permanent overhead structures like pergolas, or opt for temporary shade structures like umbrellas. Make sure you measure the area you want to shade before making any purchases to ensure that it will cover the space adequately.

3. Limit exposure to heavy objects

High temperatures can cause synthetic turf fibers to soften and bend. If you have any heavy objects, like outdoor furniture or a grill, keep them off your turf as much as possible. If you must place them on your lawn, move them around so that the weight is distributed evenly. It also helps if you place them on a turf protection mat.

4. Use turf-specific infill

Infill is the material that is used to keep the turf fibers standing, and it can get very hot during the summer months. Some infills, like crumb rubber, can reach temperatures of up to 160° F. Opt for turf-specific infill, like green sand or acrylic-coated sand, which stays cool to the touch and is more comfortable on your feet.

5. Rinse off pet waste and food spills immediately

Pet waste and food spills can attract bacteria and cause odors. It also causes the turf to break down over time. Rinse off any spills or pet waste on your turf as soon as possible to avoid any long-term damage.



Your artificial grass turf lawn can withstand high temperatures, as long as you take the proper precautions. Water your lawn regularly, use shade structures, limit exposure to heavy objects, use turf-specific infill, and rinse off pet waste and food spills immediately to ensure that your lawn remains in excellent condition. If you’re looking for synthetic turf grass in Florida, contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today for free estimates.

From The GroundUp


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