How to Properly Maintain a Lawn in Orlando

How to Properly Maintain a Lawn in Orlando

How to Properly Maintain a Lawn in Orlando


Maintaining a pristine lawn requires following a strict regimen. Regular blade sharpening, proper nutrient application, and alternating mowing patterns are crucial. This comprehensive guide provides landscaping instructions for proper lawn care. If you've recently installed sod and need care instructions, please visit our sod service page.

Mowing Tips

Q) What is the recommended grass height for mowing?

A) The ideal grass height varies depending on the type of grass. Typically, it ranges from 1/2" to 4". It's important to follow the 1/3 rule, which means not removing more than 33% of the grass blades between mows. Removing excessive grass can weaken the root system and hinder its development. Cutting the grass too low not only risks scalping the lawn but also stresses the grass and makes it more susceptible to disease.

Recommended grass heights for specific types include:

  • Bahia grass: 2" to 3"
  • Bermuda, Common: 3/4" to 1 1/2"
  • Bermuda, Celebration: 1/2" to 2"
  • Empire Zoysia: 1 1/2" to 2"
  • Floratam St. Augustine: 3 1/2" to 4"
  • Bitter Blue St. Augustine: 3" to 4"
  • Palmetto St. Augustine: 2" to 3"
  • Seville St. Augustine: 2" to 3"
  • Sapphire St. Augustine: 1/2" to 2 1/2"
  • Captivia St. Augustine: 2 1/2" to 3"

Q) How often should I sharpen my mower blades?

A) Keeping blades sharp is vital for lawn health and growth. The frequency of blade sharpening depends on various factors, such as the presence of twigs and leaves, or sandy patches on the lawn. On average, homeowners should sharpen blades every 4-6 mows. For commercial lawn service companies, it is recommended to sharpen blades daily or approximately every 4-6 hours of mower use.

Q) What is the recommended blade sharpening angle for mowers?

A) A 45-degree angle provides optimal longevity and sharpness. Once it becomes impossible to achieve a 45-degree angle, it's time to replace the old blades with a new set.

Q) How can I fix wheel tracks on my lawn?

A) Mowing can cause damage to the grass, diverting its energy from root development to healing. Along with sharp blades, it's equally important to switch mowing patterns on each visit. Alternate between horizontal and vertical paths, or occasionally add a diagonal path. Changing patterns prevents the formation of ruts and dips caused by repeatedly mowing the same path. Maintaining the same wheel track not only creates ruts but also damages the root system, leading to patches and weed growth.

If you're looking for Landscaping Services in Florida, Contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today for a free estimate.

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