How To Repair Lawn Patches So Your Yard Is Lush And Green

How To Repair Lawn Patches So Your Yard Is Lush And Green

How To Repair Lawn Patches So Your Yard Is Lush And Green


A lush, green lawn is the ultimate symbol of a well-manicured yard. However, it can be frustrating when you see bare patches in your lawn. You may wonder how to repair these patches to create a verdant and beautiful yard. Luckily, the solution is easier than you may think! With some basic knowledge and a bit of elbow grease, you'll be able to restore your lawn to its former glory. In this blog, we’ll provide you with some tips to repair lawn patches so your yard is lush and green.


1. Identify the Cause of the Patch

The first step to repairing lawn patches is identifying the cause. There are several reasons why your grass may have died: drought, heat stress, improper mowing, lack of fertilizer, disease, or pest infestations. Once you find the root of the issue, you can take measures to stop it. If the cause is pests, use an insecticide to eliminate them. If it's lack of water, create an irrigation system. By fixing the cause of the issue, you will avoid having to patch dead grass again.

2. Remove Dead Grass From the Patch

After identifying the cause of the patch, remove the dead grass from it with a shovel or a hoe. Be sure to clear the roots too, since this provides an opportunity for new grass to grow without being uprooted.

3. Fill The Patch with Soil

Fill in the bare patch with a fresh, high-quality soil. Rake it to make it level with the surrounding ground, this will make it easier to match the height of the new grass with the older one. Remember to place the soil in layers for a more even and effective finish. 

4. Choose the Right Seed

Once you've filled in the patch, pick a grass seed that can thrive well in your yard's climate and choose a good quality one. Read the instructions on the seed package to see if the soil type and humidity level matches the soil type and humidity level of your yard. Spread the seed uniformly over the patch, making sure it is the same in texture, color, and variety as the lawn around it.

5. Water the Lawn Regularly

Once you are done planting, water the lawn regularly, ideally twice per day for two weeks. This will help the new grass grow and establish roots. Keep pets and children away from the newly seeded area until the grass reaches a height of around 3 inches so that they don't run through and destroy the newly planted seedlings.



Repairing lawn patches is essential to maintaining a beautiful and green yard. Identifying the cause, removing dead grass, filling the patch with soil, choosing the right grass seed, and watering your yard regularly are key steps in repairing lawn patches. By following these tips, you will be able to restore your lawn to its full glory. If you find that the patch is too big or that the process is too difficult, you can always seek professional help. A professional landscaping company like From The Ground Up Landscaping can help you repair your lawn patches and provide other services to ensure that your lawn is lush and healthy. If you're looking for sod contractors in Orlando, FL, contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today for free estimates.

From The GroundUp


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