The Ultimate Guide to Laying Turf: A Sod Expert's Insight

The Ultimate Guide to Laying Turf: A Sod Expert's Insight

The Ultimate Guide to Laying Turf: A Sod Expert's Insight


Creating a lush, green lawn from scratch is the dream of every homeowner or landscaping enthusiast. One way to quickly and effectively achieve this is by laying turf, also known as sod. But the process isn't as simple as unrolling a carpet in your living room; it requires preparation, patience, and precision.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the various steps involved in laying turf, offering insights from sod experts to ensure that your new lawn gets the best start possible. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb looking for some professional tips, or a novice eager to learn, this post is for you.


Section 1: Why Choose Sod Over Seeds?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of turf installation, it's important to understand the advantages of sod over traditional seed planting. Sod provides an almost instant lawn. With seeds, you have to wait for germination, which is subject to weather conditions and proper watering. Sod is also less susceptible to erosion and more resistant to foot traffic, making it a great option for areas that need a quick but durable covering. Additionally, sod eliminates the possibility of weeds and other undesirables taking over your lawn, as it is grown under controlled conditions and is laid with a consistent, weed-free layer of soil.

Section 2: Planning and Preparation

Choosing the Right Sod

Sod can vary greatly in type, depending on your local climate, sunlight levels, and the intended use of the lawn. St. Augustine grass is popular in the southern United States for its ability to withstand warm temperatures, while Kentucky bluegrass thrives in cooler climates. Before purchasing the sod, it's important to research and select the type that suits your specific needs.

Calculating Your Sod Needs

To ensure you buy the correct amount of sod, measure the area of your lawn accurately and add an additional 5-10% to account for waste, and any imperfect pieces which may need to be cut or patched.

Soil Preparation

The key to a successful lawn with sod is proper soil preparation. Clear the area of all debris, rocks, and old grass. Consider using herbicides to keep weeds at bay or cover the ground with an opaque material for a few weeks to kill any existing vegetation. Then break up the soil with a rake or tiller, incorporating organic materials like compost or peat moss to improve the soil's structure and fertility.

Section 3: Laying the Sod

Timing and Weather

The best time to lay sod is when the ground is not too wet or dry, typically in the spring or early fall. The weather on the day of installation and for the weeks following has a significant impact on success. Avoid laying sod during periods of extreme heat, cold, or drought.

Begin Installation

Start by laying the first row of sod along a straight edge, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Ensure each piece is tightly butted up against the next to avoid gaps. Stagger the joints of the successive rows to create a more solid, uniform-looking lawn.

Cutting and Fitting

Sod should be fit tightly together, but not overlapping. Use a sod-cutting knife or spade to trim any edges or pieces that don't fit correctly. Keep these trimmings—they're great for filling in gaps or other small areas.


Water the sod within 30 minutes of the first piece being laid. The goal is to moisten both the sod and the prepared soil below. Water each section thoroughly; the soil should be damp but not to the point of being muddy.

Section 4: Post-Installation Care

Initial Maintenance

For the first few weeks, keep the sod moist by watering it lightly two to three times per day, or as needed to prevent the turf from drying out. Be cautious not to overwater; the goal is to establish good roots, not to keep the sod soggy.


After about two weeks, the sod should be rooted enough to start fertilizing. A balanced fertilizer with a 1-1-1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium is good for new lawns. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.


Wait until the sod has rooted and is growing before you mow. This is usually after 10-14 days. Set your mower to a high setting and take no more than 1/3 of the blade length off. This encourages the root growth and gives the grass a chance to establish itself.


Weed as necessary, but be cautious. The newly rooted sod is sensitive, so hand weeding is the safest method. Avoid using herbicides until the sod is well-established.

Section 5: Troubleshooting Common Issues

Dealing with Pests and Diseases

Keep an eye on your newly laid sod for any signs of stress, which can be an indication of pests or diseases. Some common issues include chinch bugs, sod webworms, or fungal diseases like brown patch. Consult with a sod expert for the best solution.

Improper Installation

If your sod is drying out, not rooting, or you begin to see that it's failing to thrive, the problem may be in the installation. Watering too much or too little, failing to prepare the soil properly, or choosing the wrong type of grass can all lead to issues. Always follow installation instructions carefully, and seek professional advice when in doubt.

Addressing Unevenness

An uneven lawn can lead to problems with mowing, water distribution, and an overall poor appearance. After the sod has been installed, walk over the entire area to press it down and eliminate any air pockets. Then, level the area with a roller or by watering heavily and allowing it to settle.



A new lawn can dramatically transform your outdoor space, and laying sod is a fast path to achieving that goal. By following the insights shared in this guide, you'll be well-prepared to turn that dream into reality, enjoying the lush, green expanse that a sodded lawn can provide. Remember, the success of your sod installation lies in the diligence of your preparation, the care of your installation, and the vigilance of your post-installation maintenance. If you need professional assistance, reach out to sod installers in Orlando, FL, like From The Ground Up Landscaping to get the job done right. Your perfect lawn is closer than you think!

From The GroundUp


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